
n. 砰然声, 枪击, 含气饮料, 流行音乐, 通俗艺术a. 流行的, 热门的, 通俗的
vt. 使发出爆裂声, 开枪打, 突然伸出
vi. 发出爆裂声, 射击, 突然出现, 瞪大
ad. 突然, 砰地
【计】 出现点, 邮局协议
pop off
pop the question to
pop up
pop sb up
动词过去式:popped 过去分词:popped 现在分词:popping 第三人称单数:pops英语解释
名词 pop:
an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk同义词:dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappaa sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring同义词:soda, soda pop, soda water, tonica sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork同义词:poppingmusic of general appeal to teenagers; a bland watered-down version of rock'n'roll with more rhythm and harmony and an emphasis on romantic love同义词:pop music动词 pop:
bulge outward同义词:start, protrude, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, come outhit a pop-flymake a sharp explosive noisefire a weapon with a loud explosive noisecause to make a sharp explosive soundappear suddenly or unexpectedly同义词:crop up, pop upput or thrust suddenly and forcefullyrelease suddenlyhit or strikedrink down entirely同义词:toss off, bolt down, belt down, pour down, down, drink down, killtake drugs, especially orallycause to burst with a loud, explosive soundburst open with a sharp, explosive sound形容词 pop:
(of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people)同义词:popular副词 pop:
like a pop or with a pop例句
The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.我们一打开兔箱,兔子就突然跑出来了。He likes pop; he doesn't care for classic music.他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。I have no interest in pop music.我对流行音乐不感兴趣。详细解释
v.(动词)popped,pop.ping,pops v.intr.(不及物动词)To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.发出砰的一声:发出短促、尖利的爆裂声To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound.砰的一声爆开:伴随短促、尖利的爆炸声炸开To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly:突然出现,出其不意地移动:迅速或出人意料地移动;突然出现:例句:At last the cottage popped into view.最后村舍终于闯入眼帘
To open wide suddenly:突然地张大:例句:The child`s eyes popped with astonishment.孩子惊奇地睁大眼睛
Baseball To hit a short high fly ball, especially one that can be caught by an infielder:【棒球】 击出短程高飞的球:击出一短程高飞的球,尤指击出内场队员可以接住的球:例句:popped out to shortstop.击出落向游记手的高飞球
To shoot a firearm, such as a pistol.开枪:开枪,如开手枪v.tr.(及物动词)To cause to make a sharp bursting sound.使发出砰的一声:使发出尖利的爆裂声To cause to explode with a sharp bursting sound:爆裂:使发出尖利的爆炸声:例句:popped the balloon.使气球爆裂
To put or thrust suddenly or unexpectedly:突然放入,突然推撞:突然或出乎意料地放或插入:例句:.popping a crisp plump shrimp into her mouth.(Kathleen Winsor).将一只脆虾突然放进她嘴里.(卡斯林·温泽)
To discharge (a firearm).发射(武器),开火To fire at; shoot.向…射击;开枪To hit or strike:击或打:例句:popped me on the head.在头上打了一下
Baseball To hit (a ball) high in the air but not far.【棒球】 击小腾空球:在空中击出高且近的(一球)Slang 【俚语】 To take (drugs), especially orally:服(药),尤指口服:例句:.To calm a case of the jitters . . . the bride popped Valium.(People).为了使恐慌的心情平静下来,新娘吞服了几粒安定.(民族)
To have (a drink):喝(饮料):例句:popped a few beers after work.工作结束后喝了几瓶啤酒
n.(名词)A sudden sharp, explosive sound.砰的一声:突然尖利的爆炸声A shot with a firearm.开火:武器的一次发射Chiefly Midwestern U.S. See soft drink See Regional Note at tonic 【多用于美国中西部】 参见 soft drink参见 tonicBaseball A pop fly.【棒球】 小腾空球adv.(副词)With a popping sound.砰地一声地:伴随有爆裂声地Abruptly or unexpectedly.突然地,意外地:突然地或出乎意料地Slang Apiece; each:【俚语】 每张地;每个地:例句:Tickets to the benefit were $50 a pop.义演的入场券每张是五十美元
<常用词组>pop off 【非正式用语】
To leave abruptly or hurriedly.突然离开:突然或匆忙地离开To die suddenly.暴毙:突然死亡To speak thoughtlessly in a burst of released anger.说气话:在一阵愤怒的突然爆发中不经考虑地脱口说出常用词组><习惯用语>pop the question【非正式用语】
To propose marriage.求婚习惯用语>来源:Middle English poppen 中古英语 poppen from pop [a blow, stroke] 源自 pop [打击,一击] [of imitative origin] [源于拟声词] pop
pop 2
n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 Father.父亲
来源:Short for papa papa的简写pop
pop 3
adj.(形容词)Of or for the general public; popular or popularized:流行的,通俗的:大众的、与大众有关的;流行的或大众化的:例句:pop culture; pop psychology.通俗文化;通俗心理学
Of, relating to, or specializing in popular music:流行音乐的:流行音乐的与流行音乐有关的,专于流行音乐的:例句:a pop singer.流行音乐歌手
Of or suggestive of pop art:通俗艺术的:通俗艺术的,令人想起通俗艺术的:例句:a pop style.通俗艺术风格
n.(名词)Popular music.流行音乐Pop art.通俗艺术